

Why Waiting Until 2023 To Sell Might Cost You A Lot More Than Time

Holding off on your sale until the New Year is often tempting. 

Maybe you’re busy in your business, you have family commitments, or simply because you don’t want the “hassle” right now. 

Well, first of all, getting to market using our service takes typically less than 1 hours worth of work on your end, total. So it’s a lot easier than you might think.

But that’s not the best part. 

Going to market before the end of the financial year increases your chances of a faster sale. 


A strange thing happens this time of year…

Many business owners wait for January before deciding to talk to a broker to get their business on the market, for the same reasons you’re thinking it.

This means we tend to see a decline in businesses going to market towards the end of the year and an increase around January/February time. 

At the same time, we typically see an increase in buyers beginning their research phase over the Christmas break as many have time off and are looking to achieve their New Year’s Resolution – to be their own boss!

We saw a massive 47% increase in buyer enquiry levels over the Dec 21/Jan 22 period.

What does this mean for you? 

Well, the savvy business seller is in a great position to capitalise on this time of year.

By moving ahead before the New Year, you have less competition, due to the reduction in new listings, you beat the February listing rush, plus you increase your chances of finding a buyer and achieving a  quicker sale having being advertised during the lower supply/higher demand period.

Win, win and win.

Check out Amber’s sale story if you need more evidence – click here.

If you’ve made the decision to sell, we strongly recommend capitalising on as much pre-New Year advertising time as possible.

If you’d like to chat with us further, contact us here.

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