

Advantages Of Google Reviews

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Google Reviews Effects on Businesses

There are many advantages to reviews on Google, they provide smaller businesses who don’t have huge marketing budgets, power to prove their worth, as well has ranking your business for SEO. Searchers can now research a particular interest and find businesses with reviews from actual clients and this helps them to decide on whether or not to engage with this business.

In today’s day and age, it is unlikely for someone to not research a business before engaging with them, 88% of people read reviews to determine the quality of a business’s service. In the same instance, a massive 72% of consumers say positive reviews help build trust of a business and influence them to enquire further with their services. Word of mouth is the most trusted and powerful form of advertising and its FREE.

Reviews not only attract new customers to your business but when it comes time to sell your business, these reviews can attract serious buyers because your success if advertised in the form of stars. This feedback and star rating can add serious value. People want to know that the business they are buying is popular in the market.

On the other side of the coin, plenty of buyers are in the marketplace to find businesses they can buy and grow. Those without reviews or with reviews that need improvement are an opportunity to some. The savvy buyers will look to businesses that show room for improvement.

But what do you do about negative reviews? Easy, respond promptly, politely and professionally. Don’t react defensively to a negative review, instead just acknowledge their thoughts and use there feedback to create an even better service.

If you have a business and you aren’t using reviews and testimonials to your advantage, jump on it now! While you’re at it, take a look at what our lovely clients have had to say here.

Businesses for Sale in Australia

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Based on 246 reviews