Brisbane City QLD 4000

$85,000 Plus SAV

22420 Successful Educational & Interactive Mobile Business – Extremely Flexible

Providing educational and interactive school holiday-based programs with a highly unique offering, this mobile business specialises in art creations, gem discovery, and learning targeted at the national curriculum. This opportunity incorporates two businesses in one sale, so there is plenty of value for a motivated buyer!

Successfully operating for over 10 years, this business only needs to be operated for 12 weeks a year to convincingly maintain its profitability. With extremely low overhead costs, the business is able to easily operate with great profit margins.

Completely mobile, the business operates throughout Brisbane and the Gold Coast with over 170 after-school care clients on the database. The business and its offerings have been optimised for fetes, carnivals, festivals, shopping centres, vacation care, and much more.

With no experience needed and the ability to work when and where you want, this is the perfect opportunity to own a business with multiple offerings and great flexibility.

Key Features:

– Successfully operating for over 10 years.

– Only needs to be operated for 12 weeks a year.

– Strong client database with multiple offerings.

– Fantastic community reputation servicing sought-after SEQ regions.

Everything you need to step into this business and start earning is included in the sale, don’t miss out! To find out more, complete an online enquiry today.

Property Code: 1761

Property Features
Bonza Business Sales